Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Love, where is your fire?

Hurt and brokenness has the ability to quickly spark fire and spread like wild fire. It is fast, contagious, lethal, and deadly. Once a vulnerable person is the victim of an angry or hurtful act, that very person may likely be compromised and begin to spread the fire of hurt and brokenness. Often, we as humans are creatures of habit and meet anger with anger, and hurt with hurt.

On the real, my family has been going through a lot lately. Everyone is a bit more edgy than normal. Everyone is more vulnerable to offense; quick to take things personally. I think in the past two months I have cried to my sister more than I ever have in the past 22.6 years. One person in the family will be the victim of pain and hurt, and then it is subjected upon another family member. And then you can just see where that wild fire goes. In the end, things are not functioning in a healthy way. If left unattended, the fire could have the potential to destroy everything. Nothing but ashes left.

I feel like each individual in my family is experiencing their own journey of hurt and pain right now, or struggling with particular sins. They may feel weak, vulnerable, etc. Aggression and hurt is taken out on those we love the most. And it tears us apart. Yesterday, someone in my family was yelling at me, and I immediately asked, "Why are you so angry?"

Later I rebuked what happened. I told myself to not allow the anger get to me. That I will not spread the fire of anger, sin, hurt. I will not meet anger with anger. Looking now at it, I realize I need to meet that anger with love and forgiveness. Relationships are an everyday thing, and sometimes we get wounded from them. Wounding may happen on a daily/weekly basis. Therefore forgiveness/love needs to happen on a daily/weekly basis.

I also need to pray for those that hurt me. Prayer helps because it humbles us, and really draws us near God, pleading and interceding. Asking for His will to be done. For families to function as close to its organic function from the beginning. To help us all forgive those that have victimized us. For strength to not hurt those that are vulnerable. To be reminded that we can do nothing without him...

So as I walk through this life, with other impostors passing by, imposing or offering their disfunctional fires... fires of anger, death, sin, brokenness... I will try my best to rebuke those fake fires... and wait for love's fire. It is the strongest and most pure. It is true and only spreads love. It shakes and burns away all that is opposite of it... and reveals what is true and pure within.

I will not meet anger/sin/brokenness with anger/sin/brokenness. I will meet anger, sin, and brokenness with love. With love's fire. God help me. Only done with you.

Love, where is your fire?
I've been sitting here, smoking away
Making signals with sticks,
and odd ends and bits
Still there's no sign of a flame
Imposters have been passing
Offering a good-feeling glow
But I'm holding out for what you are about
An inferno that burns to the bone
Some urge me to be temperate
Lukewarm will never do


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