Saturday, November 29, 2008


I analyze myself too much I suppose. *shrug.

Well, I just read my last post and then skimmed through the one before that as well.

I have decided that I have some serious emotional issues, and that yes, my dear reader, you need not fret in worry regarding this issue that I have. I am quite aware of it.


Oh goodness... just bare with me as I process all of this in the next year or so? Pray that I wont waste time, eh?

Till then world: continue on to read about the life of a messed up Hmong-American Christian woman (and who is probably more "liberal" than her conservative friends would like, and more "conservative" than her liberal friends would like as well. She's also lots of other things, BUT that won't be fit for now. The conservative and liberal analogy was to just give you, the reader, an understanding of how she is quite all over the place...)