Monday, April 4, 2016

It's always important to follow your childhood dreams...

I always found joy in reading. I marvelled and delighted in bringing the worlds I read about alive through my imagination. This week, I just read a comic-book online call Where Tangents Meet. Yes, I am a weirdo-romantic. I loved the story and it's cheesiness. But also, I loved falling in love with the characters and the artwork. I personally thought it was so fun and great. It brought back all my teenage memories of reading books, online fanfiction (haha), and just creating stories in my own world. I love exploring stuff from my "childhood" and being inspired all over again. It's so important to stay rooted in that... Where would we be without entertaining our childhood desires?

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Yes, I'm Changing

I am now happily married with my life partner and the love of my life.

I've done so much in the past year. Had many tears of joy, thanks, frustration, anger, and sadness. Smiled and laughed a lot with my new man. Travelled. Tested my character. Felt free in a long time.

I am still me, Danielle. But I am changing and evolving into my truer self.