Friday, December 28, 2012

The Importance of Doing You

We all need to find that thing that sets us on a passionate fire to be. That thing for me can come from anywhere sometimes. Meeting peculiar people, a silent snow fall, an old journal/blog entry. A certain group of people. Today, that something was a simple beat and melody. I feel so free, because my soul knows and understands and sees what I have been through. Things did not go as I perfectly wished, but I am through it. Praise God. What we need to understand is that we have to silence those around us (and even our minds) from stopping us from what our heart truly is. (I personally am still discovering how to gently silence those that have good intentions of loving me, but unfortunately are negative spirits in my life.) To not let chains bind us, but to accept ourselves for who we really are, including our potential. I'm just so happy and relieved to be where I am today. I am not perfect, but man... life is good and I only want to get better. I think I have basically come to a place of acceptance and love of myself. So take some time to do something that is loving and encouraging for your spirit... listen to soothing music. Kiss your man. Do something that reminds you that life is good today. Do you...