Wednesday, February 16, 2011

In need of some soul mending...

I feel like many people around me are going through something right now, myself included. Whether you just went through a break up, are have questions of doubt, lost yourself somewhere in the mix, suffering/stressed from anything... here is my remedy:

1. Try something new (volunteer, visit the elderly, join a gym or dance class, take a new language class, sewing class, read a book that challenges you, anything!). Not having any money and/or time is only an excuse because there are hundreds of options available. Trying something new will help you approach life hands on--which means you won't be stuck in your room consumed with unhelpful thoughts. It also helps you understand and process the fact that in spite of your circumstances, you have the ability to still live an enriching life.

2. Make a mission or adventure/journey-type-of-deal to incorporate one healthy meal to your day. Take it on as a challenge--not as a "duty." You'll have lots of fun trying new things. Vegetables and fruits are your friends! Oily and empty-caloried foods are not your friends, and they have short-term effects: they taste good and make you feel great for the minutes that they're in your mouth, but unfortunately they add space to your hips and thighs as soon as you swallow it. Not only that, but they do not contribute to the health of your brain and body. If you are going through a rough patch, consider treating your body better with what you eat and you will notice a big change in your thought life and physical life (trust me). You are what you eat. Not used to eating healthy? Remember, take it on as a challenge and as something fun. Try it once or twice a week and increase it from there.

3. Have a cupcake or cookie, but do not binge on it. Instead, binge on journaling. Journaling is a safe place that helps you interpret what you're feeling into words. Pretend you're sick and your doctor diagnoses you. If you don't have a doctor to diagnose you, you will probably be sick for a long time because you don't know how to cure yourself. In essence, journaling is the same. When you write down what you have/feel, you understand/diagnose where you are. From there you have the power/knowledge of doing something about how you feel. Not only that, but journaling also allows you to simply cast out whatever you feel onto paper. Not used to journaling? Try doing it for at least five minutes every other day, and build up from there.

4. Pray. God listens, and he is near the broken hearted. Genuinely ask him for help. If you are in need of faith, or even in need of learning how to pray, ask him. Understand that he is your provider, and he gives all things that you need in the right timing. Do not be afraid to communicate with your creator. He knows you. Also understand that he has everything under control. If you are frustrated, let him know that you are frustrated. However, thank him for being in control and for planning things perfectly.

5. Consider where your source of pain/hurt/stress is coming from. Take some serious time to understand yourself and your situation (not just ten minutes). Why are you stressed? Or why are you hurt? From there, create an active plan to learn and grow and transition from this current situation. Maybe you need to meet up with a friend once a week or once a month to talk through your situation. Maybe you need a better sleeping schedule--so set one up. Etc.

6. Love yourself and encourage yourself. We all love in different ways. What are some nice things that you do for others? Try those on yourself. You deserve it.