I also thought I would too. Lol. But time does not permit me to update you all as often as I'd like. And when I do want to I am too tired. Or I have SO MUCH to say that I cant say it all.
Anyway. Bangkok. I have so much to say about it. I will try to keep it to four sentences or so, so that I can save space and time to show you all pictures.
Bangkok is a very interesting city because the people are changing. The culture and people here are deeply seeded into the customs and values of Buddhism. Buddhism is definitely in the air (to put it metaphorically). You can see shrines on almost every block if not every neighborhood, and shrines are typically seen in many buildings/stores. It's definitely more objective to see the shrines, palaces, Buddha necklaces on students and etc., but when I say deeply seeded, I also meant subjective tell. I am only here for a short time and I feel that I will never be able to truly comprehend how subjective/deeply rooted it is, and how much it influences this society. Maybe I'll be able to know if I were to live/stay here for AT LEAST 5/6 years, and learn the language/be fluent in it too.
In addition, the city is in political unrest. But that is very subjective too. No one will probably tell you this unless you are a foreigner (like me) that is directly asking the question, and your sweet and gracious students are willing to give you an answer. The people in this city truly adore their king. They are so loyal and will even report someone that insults the king to the authorities. You could probably lose your life for saying something about the king (and even if you meant it positively, it could have sounded negatively to someone else). Nonetheless, they love the king, but many dislike/loathe particular political parties. Or if the do or don't like a particular party, they might just ignore the whole political discussion entirely. The thai do not speak about political issues...
Anyway. I think that is enough for now. I feel very blessed to have been here. I am so privileged to have gotten to know so many students. I will miss my students. There are some moments that make me appreciate them and treasure our moments together so much.
Although I have enjoyed my time here and with my students, I feel like I have not given the culture justice... I have only been here for such a short time without knowning very much about social issues, the religion, the language, etc... I don't know what people are really thinking like here. Their thought patterns, their concerns, etc. Well I know some of their concerns and etc, but still. A month is really nothing sometimes.
From all of this, I learn that in the future, long-term goals are definitely bette suited for any type of ministry. Maybe that is why my youth group has so many struggles as well. We always have people in short-term leadership and there is no one in a long-term position. Things are always unstable. Long-term goals force us to do things like learn the language, understand the social issues, strategically plan, get to know the people etc etc... most of all, long-term stuff forces us to go to God during the suffering and the praising... Yeah.
So yes. That is some what of what I've learned here so far!
As for pictures:
Lunch. :) Real Thai food that one of my cell members made. Nov 6.
One of the views from a train we were taking to the city of Kanjanburee. November 12
Me and Rung (one of the Thai workers @ Santisuk English School [SES]) on the train going to Kanjanaburee.
The waterfall at Kanjanaburee.
Me and Gai in the water @ Kanjanaburee. Gai is one of the Thai teachers @ SES.
On the way back from Kanjanaburee. Gai, Amy M., Mikalia, Moi.
We were in a tuk-tuk. My student Honey and her son, Nano. November 13.
Japanese dinner. Lol. We were really hungry. November 15.
Dr. Morgan's head and one of the palaces/temples @ the Grand Palace. November 18
Moi @ the Grand Palace. November 18
My student's son, Nano. He loves me!! And I am going to miss him SO MUCH... sigh. November 18
Some of my favorite things in Bangkok.
I saw this movie with my high school students on Nov. 21! :P
The other SES location that I teach English at. The city is called Lad Krabang.
One of the benefits to being @ Ladkrabang. CJ. Haha he's such a cutie. November 23
Here's his beautiful smile. November 23
These are the students that I teach @ Ladkrabang. Ploy, Milk, Mah, then me, Wit, and Ly. They are a very intelligent, unique, and hard-working bunch. November 23
Here is my other class at the Bangkok SES, taken today Nov 24! :)
Goofy picture.
Chris, Jeab and me. One of our students. Very good essay writer. :))
OKAY!!! Bye everyone!!! Send me a hello!!! :)))
1 comment:
I'm still praying for you guys! Sounds like God is doing a lot on the team and with the people you are with. Have a great Thanksgiving!
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