Sunday, September 27, 2009

Moolah Part II

Well just wanted to send a big thanks to all the people that are supporting me financially! Wow, God has definitely been faithful and providing. Just this weekend alone, God allowed me to raise $1040 dollars. Not only that, but a couple of weeks ago, it was confirmed that NWC was going to contribute $1000 to each student on the internship. This pretty much means that I have about $820 to raise (if I include the $140 + Heidi's $20 that I got a few weeks back). I can't believe that $3260 has somehow been raised. Praise God! The Lord has been faithful and so has everyone else! Thank you Jesus! And may God continue to bless all those supporting me financially and through prayers! Omigoodness, it is much appreciated. Thank you! :)

1 comment:

print said...

good story . what do U think in thailand?