So I have journals, a tabulas, a xanga, a myspace, a facebook, and a 'private' blogger all online. The reason why I chose a public one? The world may never know. However, I decided that it would be great to have this because a: I may travel one day and you might want to read about my avid adventures [I have no idea what avid means]; b: You may perhaps want to read about my frustrations; c: it's good to start something like this so folks can get some context or whatever when they read my other random entries.... and d: I thought maybe my parents can use this to spy on me! JUST KIDDING fraddish... I love you.
I'm hoping that whoever reads this blog IS NOT A STALKER, because that would just not be cool. And note: I shall not write too much about my personal life... because of course, my personal life would go in my private blogger... not the public one. You funny people.
So! Here I go:
Academia -- I am falling terribly behind. I really would like to read all the material so I can feel like a clever being... however, I have no motivation and I feel as if I will never have time for such madness. I do enjoy my classes--- No wait, that is a lie. I think I am just feeling pretty bland about them. I'm taking three classes that have a central theme on multicultural ministry/racial reconciliation/cross cultural stuff. It's interesting to not say the same things in three different classes or whatever. And then I am learning about how white people took over the world in History of Western Civilization. It took me a while to reconcile to that class. But I suppose I'm enjoying it because it is about history and I love history. And my proffessor has a horrible dry humor that is very insulting to the poor victims of his jokes, yet it is also a bit ridiculous that I can let out a laugh every once in a while. Academia... I wish it was so much more simple... but it is college and I can't complain, because I am quite the lazy one.
Ministry -- I haven't seen HOGY in such a long while. I hope they don't think I'm going to abandon them. Actually, I probably have abandoned them, to just get straight to the point. Let's stop lying here folks, I havent been there in about a month. I think about them and pray for them. They are my family... ah I miss them. I need to go see them. Anyway... my RA ministry... I have no idea how that is going. I don't know what type of Bible Studies to do with them. I feel like my Bible Studies are going to be boring and bland. But I don't want it to be that way! I need to find my nitch? Or I just really need to let the Spirit take over and lead. Something like that. I adore the freshmen on my hall though. They are indeed mature for the ages, but sane enough to still act like 'normal' girls. What is normal anyway???? I don't really like that word, hence I made the little quotes around 'normal.' But... I don't want to stress too much about my RA ministry. I definitely need to be a lot more intentional. For real...
I am so bored right now that I would like to end this blog. Maybe I'll go review what we're gonna talk about in class today. I swear, some of those kids would like to tear Dr. Fenrick's head off. I think he is quite the good professor... not to mention he is probably the best ever dressed prof on campus.
Ciao and God bless.
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