***Note: I wrote this really fast and will come back to edit later. Expect lots of incorrect punctuation, grammar, etc. Love you all.
This song touches me in so many ways. Justin manages to touch on something that everyone on earth probably struggles with. Ultimately, he is singing the song of a man without hope. A man that knows that there's got to be hope out there some where. He has reached a dead end, and has a lot of regrets, and is crying out for help.
Everyone can connect with falling down and losing your way. Whether she struggles with shame, addictions, family issues, insecurities, anything. People hit the rock bottoms of their weaknesses and feel alone.
The second thing that this song touches me with is that I know the answer to this song! I have the answer to it. The answer is Jesus Christ. He is the bringer of the truth. In Him, you find hope. In Him, you stop looking around and realize that this person that is both human and God heard you a long long long time ago and already came down to do what he had to do for you. He died for your addictions, your sins, your insecurities, your brokenness. He makes you new. This song touches me because I know what it is like to be at the pit, and yet I know how to also hope now. I know that my hope is coming for me! My hope heard me, He came for me, He died for me, He rose again, and He is coming back after he has finished preparing our home.
The last thing that I will say is that as my Lord is preparing my home, the Holy Spirit is still moving. His Spirit is still moving and is here. With Him, I (the Church) need to do my job in telling those that desire hope where they can find it. I can't just sit here and listen to this song and feel all fuzzy. I need to understand my responsibility in bringing food to those that are starving for life. Through me, God hears them. Through me, He speaks to them. I can't tell them that He hears you by walking past them afterwards as if I'm deaf.
It's time to stand up and hear the world crying out for help, church. Let's do our thing beloved and love the sheep that God has called. Let's gather the harvest and be ready for our King's return. He has come to bring hope to the hopeless! Amen...
To my friends in need of hope: I am sorry if I have not heard your cry for help. Please forgive me. I am sorry if I heard it but was too preoccupied with my own issues. Change is coming though, and although I can't meet everyone's needs, please never hesitate to give me a call! And though I cannot always be there for you, please know that I love you and always know this: the Holy Spirit (God) is here, and He hears you! Hope is coming for you. He has a future for you. You are His masterpiece, His creation--created to do good works for Him! Although this may be a hard time right now, blessed are those who mourn, because they will be comforted! Blessed are those who are the poor in spirit, because the kingdom of heaven is theirs. Blessed are the humble and meek, because they will inherit the earth! Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness--for they will be filled.
Be filled, be blessed. Lose your life to gain true life in Him. He has heard you long ago, and has come to fill you and bless you. Lose your way, and find Him--He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.